Deep Week Bali

Join us for Deep Week Bali

Improve your freediving, or learn to freedive at Deep Week with Aussie record holder, Adam Stern and special guest GUILLAUME NERY.


Date: April 18-25, 2020
Location: Amed, Bali

Keen to join us and find out more info check out more, send us an email!


What is Deep Week?

Deep Week brings the best freedivers, freediving instructors and freediving experts from all over the world, to one place. Where we can share knowledge and maximise learning. No other freediving camp is able to offer this level of experience and expertise.

Join our freediving courses and trips in Bali. Everyday our instructors will hold a variety of work shops on different freediving topics.s. You are welcome to attend as many or as few activities as you like and choose which work shops to at tend based on your interests. During the workshop times, there will be three different workshops that will run simultaneously that you can choose from. During Deep Week, we also hold free yoga, meditation and strength & conditioning classes each day.

A daily schedule will look similar to the below:

7.00am – Yoga
8.30am – Workshops
10.30am – Diving
3.00pm – Workshops and Dry Training
5.30pm – Meditation or Strength & Conditioning Training


Deep Week notoriously books out quickly, and this week has been no exception. So let us know if you’re keen to come along ASAP! We hope you can make it!


Keen for some more info or want to know how to reserve your spot? send us an email.

Price: $990AUD

The price covers all training and certification costs. Price does not include travel, accommodation, meals or gear hire.

To ensure your booking is confirmed we will ask for a $250AUD non-refundable deposit.