
Recovery BreathingWhen it comes to freediving safety: How to breathe before a dive? How to provide safety to your buddies? When to return to the surface? How to avoid dive accidents? How to rescue a blackout? How to prevent a blackout? All these topics and protocol are equally important and together offer us guidelines that keep us safe when we dive but there is something that I feel doesn’t get as much attention as it deserves in the diving community and that is

rescue for websiteHow to rescue your buddy if they black out is an essential skill that every diver should know. It’s actually incredibly easy to revive an unconscious diver but if you or your dive buddy don’t know what to do then a black out could easily turn into a death. Earlier this year I started an initiative with Spearfishing Superstore (Cairns) where we travelled to remote areas to run free freediving safety seminars. We believe that this safety knowledge is

safety blogIt’s only when I look up at tall buildings that the depths I dive to actually blow me away. ‘I’ve been that deep!?’ I think. Something must be wrong with me…or several things… But to be honest I have not once had any genuine concerns for my safety on a deep dive. There are simply too many systems in place that cover almost any possible danger. Although I suppose it is inevitable that some negative thoughts would jump into my mind before or during a dive, that

adam-9636“But isn’t that dangerous?” I get asked all the time when I tell people that I freedive. “Not at all,” I tell them as I try not to sigh. Or at least, not for the reasons they think it is. What people seem to think is most dangerous about diving deep is running out of oxygen. But ‘blacking out’ is the least of our worries. Once a diver has depleted enough of their oxygen and falls unconscious there are still several minutes before the onset of any kind of brain damage. And believe it
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