Author: admin

How to Frenzel

For most freedivers, beginners and elite athletes alike, what stops them from diving deeper or feeling better and more comfortable on their dives is their ability to equalise their ears. That is why it is so important to learn how to frenzel!

For most freedivers, beginners and elite athletes alike, what stops them from diving deeper or feeling better and more comfortable on their dives is their ability to equalise their ears. Often when we see talented divers what we're really seeing is talented equalisers. It seems like some of us get lucky with this and some of us don't but as long as you have a healthy middle ear and airways then anyone can learn how to equalise. The real issue comes from the fact that equalising your ears is not really a natural or common bodily function, because except when

Train for FreedivingWant to know how you can train for freediving? How to increase your breath hold and dive times? How to develop your skills and become a better diver? There's no trick to it. No breathing technique or magic diet that's going to instantly improve your diving. Like everything else you've got to train.

This article will give a step by step account of how to begin training in the pool. What exercises freedivers do and what works. My aim is to give a fairly broad and general understanding of pool training because we are all diving for our own reasons,

Recovery BreathingWhen it comes to freediving safety: How to breathe before a dive? How to provide safety to your buddies? When to return to the surface? How to avoid dive accidents? How to rescue a blackout? How to prevent a blackout? All these topics and protocol are equally important and together offer us guidelines that keep us safe when we dive but there is something that I feel doesn’t get as much attention as it deserves in the diving community and that is

rescue for websiteHow to rescue your buddy if they black out is an essential skill that every diver should know. It’s actually incredibly easy to revive an unconscious diver but if you or your dive buddy don’t know what to do then a black out could easily turn into a death. Earlier this year I started an initiative with Spearfishing Superstore (Cairns) where we travelled to remote areas to run free freediving safety seminars. We believe that this safety knowledge is

girlfriend 1The reason why this blog title isn’t how to get your partner into freediving is because it’s very easy to get your boyfriend into freediving…you simply sit them down and tell them, ‘I can hold my breath longer than you.’ That’s really all it takes. But most women don’t seem to fall for that trick. When introducing someone into freediving there are moments when that person may feel varying amounts of discomfort; from the pressure of the water or

blog 2Breathe and relax, because in two minutes you’re going to dive deeper than you ever have before.  Being nervous will make you speed up your breathing and any hyperventilation could cause a blackout. Now the Competition Judge tells you that you have 30 seconds to start your dive. You get ready to take your final breath trying to keep your body loose, your heart rate slow, your thoughts positive and not thinking about all the things that could go wrong.

diet blog 2If I drink ginger tea will I be able to hold my breath longer? What about if I eat blue berries and drown myself in antioxidants? Bananas are good food for diving right? I get asked these kinds of questions all the time- as if there were some sort of miracle food for freediving. But I really don’t believe in a definitive diet for life or freediving that applies to everyone. Everyone’s make up is so different that we will all thrive from different

blog21 Many freedivers make their living from teaching freediving and in our small diving world one of the most well-worn comments is, ‘you can’t teach and train at the same time.’ Our sport is definitely a mental one. If you’re training and diving deep then each time you put your wetsuit on you must want to do your dive. You have to be eager for it. If not, I can guarantee

blog bottom pic 2You would think that being placed under 10 times the normal atmospheric pressure would crush you; but it doesn’t. The feeling of being deep underwater really is tranquil and euphoric. A lot of this euphoria actually has to do with our bodies reaction to different gasses. Yep, you guessed it! Freedivers are just junkies, out for our next hit of natural gasses. The Atmosphere that we breathe is roughly

safety blogIt’s only when I look up at tall buildings that the depths I dive to actually blow me away. ‘I’ve been that deep!?’ I think. Something must be wrong with me…or several things… But to be honest I have not once had any genuine concerns for my safety on a deep dive. There are simply too many systems in place that cover almost any possible danger. Although I suppose it is inevitable that some negative thoughts would jump into my mind before or during a dive, that
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