Almost. We have a process that we use to verify assets. Once verified, we create a coin description page like this. The world of crypto now contains many coins and tokens that we feel unable to verify. In those situations, our Dexscan product lists them automatically by taking on-chain data for newly created smart contracts. We do not cover every chain, but at the time of writing we track the top 70 crypto chains, which means that we list more than 97% of all tokens.

Both a cryptocurrency and a blockchain platform, Ethereum is a favorite of program developers because of its potential applications, like so-called smart contracts that automatically execute when conditions are met and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Developed to help power decentralized finance (DeFi) uses, decentralized apps (DApps) and smart contracts, Solana runs on a unique hybrid proof-of-stake and proof-of-history mechanisms to process transactions quickly and securely. SOL, Solana’s native token, powers the platform.

Created by some of the same founders as Ripple, a digital technology and payment processing company, XRP can be used on that network to facilitate exchanges of different currency types, including fiat currencies and other major cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrencies are various forms of digital money that are usually based on blockchain technology. Blockchain technology allows most cryptocurrencies to exist as “trustless” forms of transactions. This means there is no centralized authority overseeing the transactions on a cryptocurrency’s blockchain.

Cryptocurrency wallet

Deze key bewijst jouw eigenaarschap van het digitale geld en stelt je in staat transacties te ondertekenen. Als je dus deze private key kwijt raakt, raak je ook de toegang tot je digitale valuta kwijt. Een crypto wallet is dus te vergelijken met een echte portemonee, als je hem verliest, ben je alles wat erin zit kwijt.

Wie direct wilt profiteren van een prijsstijging van een bepaalde crypto, kan het beste een online wallet account aanmaken. Op deze manier kan de crypto uit deze wallet direct verhandeld worden voor andere crypto, of worden verkocht voor fiatgeld zoals euro’s of dollars.


Deze key bewijst jouw eigenaarschap van het digitale geld en stelt je in staat transacties te ondertekenen. Als je dus deze private key kwijt raakt, raak je ook de toegang tot je digitale valuta kwijt. Een crypto wallet is dus te vergelijken met een echte portemonee, als je hem verliest, ben je alles wat erin zit kwijt.

Wie direct wilt profiteren van een prijsstijging van een bepaalde crypto, kan het beste een online wallet account aanmaken. Op deze manier kan de crypto uit deze wallet direct verhandeld worden voor andere crypto, of worden verkocht voor fiatgeld zoals euro’s of dollars.

Er wordt onderscheid gemaakt tussen hot wallets, cold wallets, exchange wallets en hardware wallets. Crypto wallets kunnen komen in de vorm van een usb-stick of QR-code, maar ook in digitale vorm als een crypto wallet app of downloadbaar software bestand voor op je desktop PC of laptop.

Door het daadwerkelijk digitaal signeren van je transacties via een hardware wallet heb je namelijk veel meer het gevoel dat je echt een transactie verricht, vergeleken met het copy/pasten van destination tags en memo’s.


The categories listed have been assigned by Statista using various sources. This because the use of, for example, Bitcoin (BTC) is noticeably different than, say, Tether (USDT). Please do note that the distinction between these categories is not always clear cut

Any private individual or company that knows how to write a program on a blockchain can technically create a cryptocurrency. That blockchain can be an existing one. Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain are popular blockchain platforms for such ends, including smart contracts within Decentralized Finance (DeFi). The ease of crypto creation allows some individuals to find solutions to real-world payment problems while others hope to make a quick profit. This explains why some crypto lack utility. Meme coins such as Dogecoin – named after a Japanese dog species – are an infamous example, with Dogecoin’s creator coming out and stating the coin started as a joke.

Meme coins are but one group of cryptocurrencies. Other types include altcoins, utility tokens, governance tokens, and stablecoins. Altcoins are often measured against Bitcoin, as this refers to all crypto that followed after Bitcoin – the first digital currency ever created. Utility tokens and governance tokens are somewhat connected to NFTs and the metaverse. A specific example is the MANA cryptocurrency, which allows real estate purchases in the Decentraland metaverse. Stablecoins refer to the likes of Tether, which are pegged to a real-world asset like the U.S. dollar. Such coins are meant to be less volatile than regular cryptocurrency.

cryptocurrency reddit

The categories listed have been assigned by Statista using various sources. This because the use of, for example, Bitcoin (BTC) is noticeably different than, say, Tether (USDT). Please do note that the distinction between these categories is not always clear cut

Any private individual or company that knows how to write a program on a blockchain can technically create a cryptocurrency. That blockchain can be an existing one. Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain are popular blockchain platforms for such ends, including smart contracts within Decentralized Finance (DeFi). The ease of crypto creation allows some individuals to find solutions to real-world payment problems while others hope to make a quick profit. This explains why some crypto lack utility. Meme coins such as Dogecoin – named after a Japanese dog species – are an infamous example, with Dogecoin’s creator coming out and stating the coin started as a joke.

Meme coins are but one group of cryptocurrencies. Other types include altcoins, utility tokens, governance tokens, and stablecoins. Altcoins are often measured against Bitcoin, as this refers to all crypto that followed after Bitcoin – the first digital currency ever created. Utility tokens and governance tokens are somewhat connected to NFTs and the metaverse. A specific example is the MANA cryptocurrency, which allows real estate purchases in the Decentraland metaverse. Stablecoins refer to the likes of Tether, which are pegged to a real-world asset like the U.S. dollar. Such coins are meant to be less volatile than regular cryptocurrency.

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