I love nothing more than diving deep, extending my limits and exploring the ocean on breath hold. During my off season from freediving competitions I focus on teaching others to freedive. Encouraging people to explore the ocean and increasing their abilities to dive on one breath is something that I’m seriously passionate about. I believe that just about anyone can freedive.
For me, freediving has been a constant process of self discovery in which I have redefined my limits time and time again. And doing this so often in my diving has allowed me to use the same mentality and confidence in the rest of my life. I train people from the absolute beginner level all the way up to the instructor and competitive level so if you’re ready to start or continue your own journey into freediving let me know! There is no level of freediving that isn’t possible.
Though I am a freediving athlete I believe the best way to progress is through fun and never pushing yourself. The progress and the depth will always come as long as a diver is patient and trains correctly.
Thanks again for hopping onto my website. Have an explore, whether it’s information about freediving courses, Deep Week or how to get in contact with me, you’re in the right place!